The chins & wattles appear like medals on old uniforms, waiting to be relieved of their duties I grow my wattle at the speed of age. I really only notice when it's done, a new sag here, a new quite wrinkled page. Fact is, it happens on its own & one day I used to have eyelids, now I got pouches, with blue jewels that lie & spark. One day you're shaving the face of some not you, someone you've never met before. Dark hairs in my nose, my swelling ears, body bloats & melts into my latest disguise. As I lose to gravity, my hobby is sitting, moaning & playing at wise. I say this to the young because it's true. Thank god this will never happen to you. —Patrick O’Leary from 100 Sonnets
The chins & wattles appear like medals on old uniforms, waiting to be relieved of their duties
Creative Strategy # 23: Spoiler: Gravity wins.
Feb 10, 2024
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