Oh carbuncle on the body politic--My lance! My lance!
Creative Strategy #45: Choose Iambic Violence
Here’s another sonnet on this crazy July Monday. I’m trying to publish a book of collected poems—Stay tuned. I finally finished 47.
Oh carbuncle on the body politic--My lance! My lance!
Oh spew, you empty golden bile spittoon.
Master of the multitudes of lying,
The man no-one-can-say-no-to cartoon.
In the end it all comes down to grabbing.
Is it too much to ask entry before
entrance? The simplest restraint for a boy
who knew none, a toxic whiny bore,
a total lack of character & joy.
Surely we'll wake up this November
& stop a spoiled dangerous man bereft
of honor, prowess, good. Remember:
a brat who doesn't know assault is theft.
Can't take it back. You can't be unviolated.
We are the long sought justice you've awaited.
—Patrick O’Leary