It's an alien; it's an Albatross; it's an archetype; it's delightful. Patrick O'Leary's new novel: 51
Creative Strategy# Unfuddle.
What a kick conversation! Sam Hankin & Wellington Square Bookstore in Philly hosted a delightful far-ranging conversation about 51, my new novel.
Are there spoilers? Probably. But—I could be wrong but—maybe my books are those odd books that can’t be spoiled. Because everyone who reads them reads a different book. And Peekaboo isn’t the point.
It was so gratifying to witness Sam grapple with the book, savor the puzzles and mysteries. It was like he was still reading 51 in his mind. “Would I do that?” (Wow. Thanks, Sam.) And his laughs. I feel like I had the longest wait for a joke in history.
Thanks much.
—Patrick O’Leary