Creative Strategies 101
How to keep it together while your undergirding metaphorical substructure is collapsing like a tower of turtles.
My favorite place on earth: Georgian Bay, Ontario, CN
This is my story about a born Catholic becoming an atheist after a lifetime of searching.
I’m nobody. I’m just an old guy (He/Him) that found he was standing on air.
The loss of faith, compounded with the loss of every aspect of religion feels like something precious has been wrenched away. Never to return.
Traditions. Families. Rituals. The smell of incense. A statue covered in purple cloth.
But it’s rougher than that. You’re not standing on bullshit, but you have no footing.
And you are surrounded by perfectly nice people who believe in invisible things.
And they want to kill you.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
I don’t know what I’m doing: I’ve only been an atheist for two years.
This is my way of sharing a journey out of faith and into something else.
I know that sounds like I know the ending.
I really don’t.
Please join me on the way.
I’ll try not to waste your time.
Patrick O’Leary
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