Brahm’s Requiem
In the stunning suburban church
the orchestra delivers the goods
The choir swoons
The soloists soar
& the whole beautiful thing
goes on & on
But all the time they’re playing
my eyes keep sliding over
to the stained-glass window
where the yellow-haired angel
is staying the hand of Abraham
The angel’s hair curls upward in an S
& his wings are red
Abraham is surprised
He was all geared up for this
& Isaac his son is looking down & away
clearly traumatized
as his bare white torso & legs
are bound by red rope
& you want to stand up
in the middle of the church
walk over & reach into the window
& tell him: It’s cool It’s cool kid
This is just a lesson your Dad had to learn
about faith & obedience See? He’s putting away the knife
The angel came in the nick of time
God was just kidding! Isn’t that great!?
It was just a test! A stupid stupid test
& your dad passed
& as you cut him free you realize
there’s not enough room
on this window to tell the whole story
How Isaac will never be able to trust his father again
How Abe will never be able to meet his son's eyes
How the town will talk about the man
who took a blade to his own son’s neck
& meanwhile the choir & the orchestra
& the soloists are going on & on about
how when the trumpet sounds
every faithful servant will be spared
Death where is thy sting?
Hell where is thy victory?
& in my mind one finger on my left hand rises
& points at one of the most horrific stories
in a book full of them & my mind says
It’s right there
Don’t you see?
Everything you need to know about god
is on that window